Agate stones are a part of the Chalcedony family and are banded in stripes or layers. Certain varieties of Agate are there which are known to have specks of eye markings or color while some also have …

Agate stones are a part of the Chalcedony family and are banded in stripes or layers. Certain varieties of Agate are there which are known to have specks of eye markings or color while some also have …
Either in rock tumbling or lapidary work, there are mostly three gemstones that are overtly used and are quite famous in this regard. Agate, Jasper and Chalcedony are mostly used in wrong terms and in…
What is Agate? Agate is nothing but naturally occurring form of silicon dioxide, cryptocrystalline silica to be precise. It is a variety of Chalcedony alternating with quartz of micro-granular nature.…
Obsidian is considered to be a protective stone and quite grounding. This stone finds great use to help cleanse negative energies present in the person. Besides removing negativity that is experienced…
There is an age old belief among Native Americans that hand carved arrowhead, when worn in the form of a talisman around the neck can act as the perfect symbol of strength, courage and protection. The…
It is for ages that the Americans have believed the power of hand carved arrowheads and been wearing it as talisman around their neck. It is rather considered to be a symbol of strength, courage and p…